In the Past Three Weeks...
I've completed two hats, two scarves, an earwarmer, and a baby sweater. I really will have pictures soon.
I have on the needles a scarf and a pair of mittens.
To start/finish:
6 scarves
2 hats
and either a hat, scarf and mitten set and/or a hat.
I got my Secret Santa information and I've already got some goodies together. I'm trying to decide what to include. I wish I could buy something, but I don't have the money. I don't know whether to make her something or not...
I have on the needles a scarf and a pair of mittens.
To start/finish:
6 scarves
2 hats
and either a hat, scarf and mitten set and/or a hat.
I got my Secret Santa information and I've already got some goodies together. I'm trying to decide what to include. I wish I could buy something, but I don't have the money. I don't know whether to make her something or not...